Employment Lawyers Group Services

Overtime Attorney

overtime clock!

Employees start looking for an overtime attorney when they are fed up not receiving overtime for all hours worked, when they are about to leave their job, or once they have already left. Due to statutes of limitation it is not a good idea to wait until a job is over to sue for overtime. It is illegal to retaliate against an employee if they inquire why overtime has not been paid, or they sue for overtime. Employees who are fired for asking about overtime, or pursuing a case for overtime can sue for wrongful termination. However, many cases exist in which employees use lawyers to obtain past due overtime while the employee is still employed. There are many rules concerning overtime. Without a lawyer employees are ill-advised to try to determine how much they are owed, or whether they are even entitled to overtime.

Get Your Overtime Case Started. Call 310-842-8600 For An Overtime Lawyer

Issues in determining whether overtime is owed include:

  1. Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Job Duties and whether more than 50% of the job is spent on exempt work

  2. Whether a work day is 8, 10, or 12 hours

  3. What job the employee has

  4. What the employer’s reasonable, realistic expectations of the job are

  5. How much money the employee is paid

  6. Whether the employee earns bonuses

  7. Whether the employee earns piece rates

  8. What industry the employee works in

  9. When the employer’s business day has been defined to start and end (which most employees are never told)

  10. If the employee is on-call and those hours should be counted as hours worked

  11. How many consecutive days without a day off has the employee been forced to work?

  12. Has the employee been paid their normal rate of pay for the overtime hours worked?

  13. Was the employee paid cash for the overtime hours, and at what rate?

  14. Is the employee supposed to be paid prevailing wage, and if so is overtime being paid at that rate?

  15. Did the employee sign an alternative work week agreement, and is it valid?

Employees should sue for overtime if they are owed more than $5,000 in overtime.

Overtime lawsuits are often complex. They involve one or more of the above issues which employees have generally never heard of. Get a wage lawyer to help, call 310-842-8600.

Not Paid Overtime

getting your overtime paid

When an employee is not paid overtime, besides merely being owed overtime, quite a few additional Labor Code penalties exist. These penalties may include up to 30 days of pay. Second, a $100.00 fine for each paycheck overtime was not correctly itemized, or paid. Third, PAGA penalties exist. These are penalties in which the employee can obtain $50.00 for each violation, for each paycheck. Interest on past due overtime must also be paid. If more than 12 hours are worked in a day double time is owed. Double time is also owed on the 7 consecutive work day if each of the 7 consecutive days were 8 hour days.

Employers who lose lawsuits for overtime pay will have to pay the employee’s reasonable attorney fees and costs. Often times these attorney fees and costs exceed the amount of unpaid overtime. Employers are aware of these facts, and so lawsuits for overtime often settle for more than the mere value of the employee’s unpaid overtime.

When an employee has not been paid overtime, in addition to their overtime wages at one and a half times their typical hourly rate that includes certain bonuses and piece rates if any, a failure to properly pay overtime may lead to:

  1. $100 a paycheck fines

  2. a penalty of up to 30 days of pay including all benefits

  3. multiple PAGA penalties of $50 per statutory violation for a California Labor Code that only provides a remedy for the government to collect

  4. Hours past 12 in a day are due at double time rates

  5. Work on the 7th consecutive day may also be subject to double time

  6. Interest

  7. Reasonable attorney fees and costs of suit

Sue For Overtime

Employees should sue for overtime if they are owed more than $5,000 in overtime. Remember, with penalties $5,000 in overtime might mean the employer owes $12,000 or more. Small overtime disputes for total damages of $5,000-$20,000 should be capable of being negotiated without extensive litigation.

If an employee is only owed a few thousand for overtime, and other employees were subjected to the same overtime abuse, the Employment Lawyers Group might take the lawsuit as a group lawsuit, Private Attorney General (PAGA) action, or class action. The employee who agrees to act as the class representative might receive a service award. Service awards are partially intended to compensate the class representative for the time they spend acting as a class representative. The court must approve this request for compensation for acting as a class representative. The Employment Lawyers Groups has not had much trouble in getting courts to agree to service awards of $5,000 for multiple employees who agree to represent a class of employees suing for wage theft. Likewise, $3,000 service awards for multiple employees have been obtained. There are, however, examples of $10,000 and $15,000 service awards for being a class representative, but they are on the high side.

If the employee is a present employee of the company they are suing, it is illegal to retaliate against them for bringing the lawsuit. The larger the group is whom sues, the stronger the case, and the harder for an employer to even consider retaliation. Luckily, the Employment Lawyers Group has never had a situation where they had to sue the employer for retaliation after a lawsuit was filed for unpaid overtime.

The Employment Lawyers Group has recovered $50,000 to approximately $275,000 for a single employee’s overtime claims. Some overtime claims are large. However, every case is unique to its own facts so this is not a guarantee nor prediction of what might happen on a new overtime case.

Case Samples

$510,000 Class action settlement of 125 workers on overtime claims

$360,000 For missed meal and rest breaks, and overtime for 3 employees, and PAGA penalties for less than 25

$350,000 To 2 employees in vacation rental business working off-the-clock overtime

$350,000 Due to fixed bonus pay not figured into overtime for a directional driller

$350,000 For controlled standby and overtime for one employee

$350,000 Nurse mis-classified as independent contractor who was on-call

$350,000 For directional driller whose fixed rate bonuses were not calculated into his overtime rate

$275,000 Unpaid minimum wage, overtime double and double time due to on call work for two technicians at a radio/television station

$250,000 For 2 oil field service technicians not paid overtime

$250,000 For whistle-blower about unpaid overtime

$205,000 Unpaid wages, overtime, labor code section 2699 penalties- arbitration award for multiple plaintiffs

$175,000 Failure to pay minimum wage

$175,000 Unpaid overtime of 2 limo drivers of a small company

$125,000 For employee who quit after being misclassified and not receiving overtime.

$120,000 Male on male sexual harassment Unpaid wages, overtime, labor code section 2699 penalties- arbitration award of over

$105,000 Overtime due computer professional

* Please be advised that past results are not a guaranty nor prediction of future case results

We Advance Court Costs.
All Cases Are Taken On A Contingency.
We are only paid if we win!
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